NAME(S): Mollie Hunter
OTHER INFO: Dayton Hunter sister
PHOTOGRAPHER: Cargille, Johnson City, Tennessee
CARD SIZE: 10.7 cm x 16.3 cm
WHERE PURCHASED: Sevierville, Tennessee
WHEN PURCHESED: May 23, 2013
Probably: Mary E. "Mollie" Hunter
Born: Abt 1860, Senora, Atchison County, Missouri
Father: Thomas Edmond Robert Hunter
Mother: Louise Jane Brooks
Married: John W. Hunter, Sept. 28, 1880, Elizabethton, Carter Co., Tennessee
Children: Loula Brooks & Paul Perry
The following is from the source "All Tennessee, The Volunteer State, 1769-1923,
Vol. 3" under Dayton Hunter:
Thomas E. R. Hunter's birth occurr**** in Cherokee, Washington county, and in that county he received his preliminary ed****ation.
In early life he professed faith in Christ and joined the Baptist church, to wh****h profession he was ever faithful. He received his
higher education in Washington College. For some years he was active as a member of the board of directors of the church school
at Jonesboro. In 1856 he went by stage and steamboat to the west, and settled in Senora, Missouri, where he again took up his
duties in the Baptist church and continued organizing Sunday schools and holding temperance meetings. In 1857 he returned to
Tennessee and was united in marriage with Miss Louisa Jane Brooks, going again to Missouri and remaining there until 1866,
when he returned once more to Carter county, where he took up farming. In 1882 his wife died. Three years later he married Miss
Mary Sexton of Virginia. Thomas E. R. Hunter was the father of two children by his first marriage, Dayton and Mollie.
1870 Census District 9, Carter County, Tennessee
1880 Census Carriage Mill, Carter County, Tennessee
All Tennessee, The Volunteer State, 1769-1923, Vol. 3
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