NAME(S): Mt. Vernon Methodist Church
PHOTOGRAPH SIZE: 13.0 cm x 8.9 cm
WHERE PURCHASED: Vincennes, Indiana
WHEN PURCHESED: June 13, 2018
Probably: Leonard Bean
Born: July 13, 1787, Waldorf, Charles County, MarylandDied: February 19, 1841, Sulphur Springs, Ohio County, Kentucky
Father: Henry Hensen Bean
Mother: Amelia Permela Dyson
Married: Sarah Ann Boswell, January 4, 1810, Ohio County, Kentucky
Children: William Riley, Mary "Polly", Henry, Henry Henson, Julias Caesar, Caleb B., Gabriel Jackson,
Permeala Amelia, Evaline, Noble, & Susannah
Click HERE for another photograph and information purchased along with this one.
Below info copied from above right typed sheet with some spelling corrections.
Mt. Vernon Methodist Church
Great-grand-father Leonard Bean was fervent exhorter of the faith following his location at Sulphur
Lick Creek,
(Sulphur Springs) in 1811, he became instrumental and a leader in creating a Methodist class of worshipers and
about 1812 he and others built a house for worship which they made of logs with open fireplace for heat.
After his death which occured in 1841 it was considerable adviseable to organize a new body of 46 members in
1854, at West corner of the Hartford-Leitchfield and Sulphur Springs Rosine roads.
The original log church continued to be used for worship until a new frame church was errected which this body
completed and occupied in 1866.
Mt. Vernon church was a part of the old Bethel Methodist M. E. Circuit. All my people, great-grandparents and their
family, grand-parents and their families and most of my mother's family were members of this old church.
We are in posse3ssion of the original class book in which is registered the names of all the members of this church
the time and date of their conversion, admittance etc.
As result the members of this old church moving to other parts or being taken out by death caused the building to be
abanded where upon in 1938 it was sold to the Christian Church and moved to Beaver Dam.
(Sulphur Springs) in 1811, he became instrumental and a leader in creating a Methodist class of worshipers and
about 1812 he and others built a house for worship which they made of logs with open fireplace for heat.
After his death which occured in 1841 it was considerable adviseable to organize a new body of 46 members in
1854, at West corner of the Hartford-Leitchfield and Sulphur Springs Rosine roads.
The original log church continued to be used for worship until a new frame church was errected which this body
completed and occupied in 1866.
Mt. Vernon church was a part of the old Bethel Methodist M. E. Circuit. All my people, great-grandparents and their
family, grand-parents and their families and most of my mother's family were members of this old church.
We are in posse3ssion of the original class book in which is registered the names of all the members of this church
the time and date of their conversion, admittance etc.
As result the members of this old church moving to other parts or being taken out by death caused the building to be
abanded where upon in 1938 it was sold to the Christian Church and moved to Beaver Dam.
Dupriest/Bernard Family Tree on Ancestry,com